Welcome To Govt. I.T.I. Butana

The Industrial Training Institute, Butana was established in 1994 with 20 CTS Trades & 33 Units With Sanctioned Seats 512. It has a large campus area of approximate 4.86 acre area with a well equipped workshop, administrative block and academic block with all training facilities. In 2007 the IMC Society was constituted under the chairmanship of Worthy Deputy Commissioner, Sonipat for the improvement & better performance in training and placement. In Around students from the area of 40 kilometers around Butana, come in the institute to get training and build a success.

Sh. Surender Malik

Principal Message

Govt. ITI Butana is one of the most prestigious and renowned Industrial Training institute of Haryana. The aim of the institute is to provide technically skilled manpower to industries by providing training in a safe 'hands on' workshop style environment. The endeavour is also to reduce unemployment among educated youth by equipping them for suitable industrial employment- which, from a macro-perspective, is an important step in the direction of utilizing country's demographic dividend. It's qualified trainers who have up-to-date knowledge and experience of industry are dedicated to help students, realize their complete potential who can adjust to changing demands of industry as well as be future entrepreneurs.

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